Chenbo Jiang
I am an incomming Ph.D. student at McGill & Mila supervised by Prof. Derek Nowrouzezahrai. Now I am a visiting student at Weatlake University supervised by Prof. Tailin Wu. Before that, I was a research intern at Chinese Academy of Science supervised by Prof. Lin Gao and Prof. Yu-Kun Lai.
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Research and Publications
NeuralSlice: Neural 3D Triangle Mesh Reconstruction via Slicing 4D Tetrahedral Meshes
Chenbo Jiang,
Jie Yang,
Shwai He,
Yu-Kun Lai,
Lin Gao
ICML, 2023
project page
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NeuralSlice is a novel approach to representing 3D shapes with flexible topology in a pure explicit fashion, which represents a 3D shape as the intersection of a 4D deformable tetrahedral mesh and a learnable 4D hyperplane.
SD-Conv: Towards the Parameter-Efficiency of Dynamic Convolution
Shwai He,
Chenbo Jiang,
Daize Dong,
Liang Ding,
WACV, 2023
Sparse Dynamic Convolution (SD-Conv) naturally integrate sparse convolution and dynamic convolution such that it can inherit the advantage of dynamic mechanism and sparsity.
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Last updated Sep 2023.